Annual Meeting


My name is Tamara Tschop-McLaren and I am proud to be your Annual Meeting Chairperson for the next 2 years. I have been a teacher with the SCDSB since 2011 and actively involved with ETFO and SCETF since 2017. Having attended the past 4 Annual Meetings, I know firsthand the importance of having delegates and alternates represent our local at the Annual Meeting. Having a voice from our region ensures that we have a say in setting ETFO policies and directions for the coming year.

 The ETFO Annual Meeting is held in August and provides members with opportunities to affect change within our union, develop policy statements that guide our union’s voice, and determine how our union utilizes the dues we provide.  The debates can be long, yet full of energy and passion.  It’s amazing to be a part of the fight to improve working conditions for teachers across Ontario and improve learning conditions for all children, alongside all of our ETFO colleagues.  At the ETFO Annual Meeting, delegates ratify the priorities of the organization, elect the ETFO Provincial Executive, approve the budget and fees, amend the Constitution, vote on resolutions, and complete a variety of other responsibilities.

The ETFO Annual Meeting will take place in Toronto on August 15th – 18th, 2022.

At the ETFO Annual Meeting, delegates ratify the priorities of the organization, elect the ETFO Provincial Executive, approve the budget and fees, amend the Constitution, vote on resolutions and complete a variety of other responsibilities.

NOTE: 19 Delegates will represent SCETF Local. Guaranteed Delegate positions are: President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President and 3rd Vice President. There is also a guaranteed Alternate position for the Annual General Meeting Chair.

Thank you,

Tamara Tschop McLaren

[email protected]

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