Believe it or not, our current Collective Agreement expires on August 31, 2022. ETFO and SCETF are already starting to prepare for the next round of bargaining. There are several opportunities to stay informed and get involved in the bargaining process. Sometime after October 6th, you should receive an email entitled “ETFO 2022 All-Member Collective Bargaining Survey”. ETFO is also conducting a random telephone survey between October 12th to November 3rd. We hope all SCETF members will take the opportunity to use one of these methods to share their priorities for the next contract. ETFO is also looking for volunteers to participate in virtual focus groups. If this is something that is of interest to you, I encourage you to use the link below to submit your name for consideration. Space is limited. If you are selected, ETFO will arrange release time as the sessions will occur during the day in October and early November. SCETF will also be conducting a survey to gather the priorities that our members have locally. Your County Collective Bargaining team will begin working on the creation of this survey later this Fall. Please watch for more information in the New Year on how to participate in our survey.
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