Coming up next week in OTF Connects – Two more exciting webinars!
Don’t be disappointed – Last webinars for 2021!
More to come in the New Year!
Registration is limited, so register right away!
*NEW* Digital Resources to Support Indigenous Education K-12 by FNMIEAO
Tuesday, December 7, 2021: 4:30 – 6:30
Jodie Williams & Tesa Fiddler
This webinar will explore a variety of new resources that have recently been developed in partnership with Indigenous knowledge keepers and community members by the First Nations, Métis and Inuit Education Association of Ontario.
These new digital resources have been designed to provide teachers with accurate content along with curriculum connections to support the learning of Indigenous peoples, and truths both past and present.
Join us as we explore strategies on how to ensure classrooms are safe and inclusive when incorporating Indigenous perspectives.
Being, Becoming, Belonging: Equity and Inclusive Education in Kindergarten – Part 2
Thursday, December 9, 2021: 4:30 – 6:00 pm
Michelle McKay & Klara Redford
Join us for Part 2 of this two-part OTF Connects webinar in which we use the documentary film “Reflecting on Anti-bias Education in Action: The Early Years” as we explore the four goals of anti-bias education (Identity, Diversity, Justice and Action) and co-create an understanding of what this means for practice by sharing practical ideas for the classroom. We will discuss how this film connects to our early years pedagogy and philosophy outlined in the Ontario Kindergarten Program document. By critically examining our learning environment, and reflecting on the materials and resources within it and the learning experiences that occur, we will deepen our understanding of how to support students’ and families’ “social identities and cultural ways of being”.
Link to the Documentary Trailer:
Jodie Williams
Jodie Williams currently works as the Indigenous Education Coordinator for the Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board. As the Co-Chair for the First Nations, Métis and Inuit Education Association of Ontario, Jodie provides educational workshops and develops resources to support Indigenous Education in schools. She is also the lead on a provincial Community of Practice for Indigenous Knowledge and Mathematics.
Tesa Fidler
Tesa Fiddler is Anishinaabekwe, a mother of two children, and has been an educator for over 20 years. Born and raised in Northwestern Ontario, she considers Onigaming and Muskrat Dam First Nations home. Her family also has historical connections to Kitchinuhmaykoosib Inninuwug territory. She currently lives in Thunder Bay with her family and is the Coordinator of Indigenous Education with the Thunder Bay Catholic District School Board. Tesa has experience teaching kindergarten through post-secondary education. Tesa is an executive member of the First Nation, Métis and Inuit Education Association of Ontario.
Michelle McKay
Michelle McKay is a Ph.D. student at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (University of Toronto) in Curriculum and Pedagogy and teaches in a large urban centre in Ontario. Michelle’s research is situated around engaging in acts of reconciliation in Kindergarten and engaging students as co-researchers. She provides professional development for educators from across the province on a range of topics related to early learning and play and inclusive instructional strategies.
Klara Radford
Klara Redford, a teacher for over 15 years with the Peel District School Board, has spent the majority of her career in the Kindergarten classroom. As part of her Board’s Full Day Kindergarten (FDK) implementation team, Klara helped roll-out the FDK Program. Klara has presented about the play-based program at many conferences including OAME, Digital Toolbox Summit, and ETFO’s Early Years Conferences. Klara’s passion includes integrating 21st century learning and technology as a natural part of play.
Register here for Digital Resources to Support Indigenous Education K-12 by FNMIEAO
Register here for Being, Becoming, Belonging:
Equity and Inclusive Education in Kindergarten – Part 2
OTF Connects calendar
Offered each week from November 2 to December 9, 2021, OTF’s newest series of webinars features tips and tools to support you and your students on your journey to better understand racism and how we all can work to confront and combat it, across divisions and subject areas.
Our easy-to-use webinar platform provides you with free, effective professional learning accessible–from a distance–across multiple types of devices. You will leave each session with strategies and tools you can transfer to your own learning context. Registration for each webinar is limited, so sign up early to avoid disappointment.
Register now!