Work Refusal Process
If a worker believes a hazard exists in their workplace, they should inform their principal or supervisor immediately (verbally is fine). If they are unsatisfied with the actions taken in a reasonable time following the report, they have the right to contact the health and safety representative of their local ETFO union office for assistance. In cases of immediate danger, a worker may enact his/her right to work.
Under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, section 43, workers have the right to refuse work they believe would put their health and safety in danger. This right applies to teachers except where the circumstances are such that the life, health or safety of a student is in imminent danger (you can’t refuse to work and leave your students behind in danger).
Teachers must promptly report the circumstances of their refusal to work to their principal or supervisor. A certified member of the Joint Health and Safety Committee representing SCETF will assist with the investigation of the work refusal.
For further information about Work Refusals on the Ministry of Labour website please click HERE.
If you refuse to work, if a work refusal is imminent or you believe you may have reason to refuse, please contact Jennifer Klaassen, SCETF Health and Safety Representative, immediately at 705-728-2888 or 705-818-0846.